Investor Profile Questionnaire

Investment Objective*
Your investment objective summarizes the primary purpose of your account. It serves to define how assets should be managed. While asking yourself "What do I want most to accomplish?", select the objective that best fits the purpose of your account.
Risk Level*
Please check the box that indicates your response to the following statement: I am comfortable with investments that may go down in value from time to time, if they offer the potential for higher returns.
Age as a Variable*
Age is a very important determinant of portfolio selection. Please check your age in the box below:
Investment Horizon*
Your investment time horizon is an important variable to consider when constructing your account. How long will it be before you begin making withdrawals?
Depletion Timeline*
Once you begin taking withdrawals from your portfolio, how long will the money in the account have to last before it is depleted?
Income Requirements*
An assessment of your income requirements is essential in determining the appropriate asset allocation structure for your account. Please check the box that best approximates the amount of CURRENT income your account needs to generate annually as a percent of your total income from all sources.
Cash and Investments on Hand*
How long could you cover monthly living expenses with cash and investments you currently have on hand?
Future Income*
What is your outlook for your future income from sources other than investments over the next ten years?