Creative Financial Designs, Inc. strives not only to provide those services that are appropriate and necessary, but also unique, custom, and exceptional products and services. We know that every client has circumstances that create different needs. That is why we provide custom planning and investment management services for those needs.
Financial Planning
Based on your current financial situation, the financial planning department can build you a custom comprehensive or modular financial plan depending on your needs. Your plan will provide you a roadmap that can include all of the following (for a comprehensive plan): cash flow, tax analysis, investment plan, accumulation and education funding, retirement analysis and planning, and estate planning. If you are a business owner, you will be thrilled to know that the team can also build a business plan to help you compare and guide your business needs.
Retirement Goals
Retirement Planning
Children and College
Financial Planning
Financial Concerns
Financial Planning
Debt Management
Unexpected Changes
Risk Management
Cash Flow Problems
Cash Management
Health and Death
Risk Management
Wealth Transfer
Estate Planning
Emergency Plans
Risk Management
Tax Planning
The Planning Process
- Your trusted financial adviser meets with you (the client) during an “Initial Interview” to determine if a financial plan is right for you.
- You will then be asked to complete some basic information about yourself & your financial goals.
- Your financial adviser will send this information, along with other basic financial data (Paystubs, Investment Statements, Tax Returns, Wills/Trusts, Etc.), to the planning team at the Creative Financial Designs home office.
- The planning team will construct your very own Individual Financial Plan based on the goals you have pre-determined.
- The planning team sends the completed plan to your financial adviser’s office ready to be presented to you.
- The adviser contacts the planning team if any additional scenarios or recommendations are requested.
- With guidance from your financial adviser, you determine which individual recommendations to implement.
This entire process takes about three weeks to complete, and any updates to your financial plan are free for up to one year after the plan was created. Your plan is tailored to your unique financial situation and can include any of the following plan types and services:
Comprehensive Plans
- Personal Financial Plans
- Business Financial Plans
Modular Plans
- Budget Analysis
- Investment Analysis
- Education Analysis
- Retirement Analysis
- Tax Analysis
- Income Funding
- Medicaid Planning
- Estate Analysis
- Accumulation Analysis
Additional Resources
- Hourly Fee Services
- Review Services